Addison's first meeting with baby Samuel took place Saturday afternoon at the hopsital. She knew that he was important to us, but that was about it. As you can see she wanted to be near him, but not really ready to break the touch barrier.
It wasn't until we got everybody under one roof that she realized that Samuel was a part of the family. This morning as a bit of a surprise. Both kids got up at the same time and when Addison saw Laura with Sam, she raised her hands up towards her mom.
The surprising part of all this was that she wasn't asking to be held by Laura, she was wanting to hold baby Samuel. She was perfect with her first time holding Sam. With him in her lap she simply had one arm over his body and at time gently moved her hand against his head.

Once she got her Samuel fix it was time for breakfast. Both kids ate well and we began the journey towards a new schedule and family life. Both kids have cried throughout the day, but it hasn't caused an early end to a nap yet for the one that was sleeping at the time.
The calmness of bringing a second child home has been true for the first 24 hours. The little things that Addison did that made us wonder if she was okay are things we expect and are ready for. We're confident that Samuel will have some things we aren't ready for, but very happy with how things are going.
Grandpa Jim and Grandma Lou got here this afternoon and they quickly went one on one with their grandchilren. It was also an opportunity for Addy to get some gentle caresses in on Sam.

We are enjoying the time together and still find it hard to believe there are two car seats in the car and two babies in the house. It is a blessing to be sure and so many good days, months, weeks and years ahead.