Sunday, November 2, 2008

A Weekend for "Dress-Up"

Even though we didn't leave the house for Halloween, Addison dressed up as the cutest caterpillar you've ever seen. Nana and Papa were over for dinner and got to see her in all her glory. The costume was pretty hot though, so Addy didn't spend much time in it.
The next day Matt and I were treated to tickets for the Razorback football game while Addison stayed at Nana and Papa's house. She got to put her Razorback gear on and cheer the Hogs to victory!


The Jordon Family said...

Oh my word! She is the cutest caterpillar I've ever seen!!!
Razorback too :) It was so great getting to hold her in class today~
I just love her to death :)

Mike, Kacy & Wells said...

That is an adorable caterpillar!

Georgia said...

She is too precious! I love the caterpillar outfit!! I know those Hogs won because she was in Hog gear. Thanks, Addison.