Saturday, October 11, 2008

So Much to Learn

Let me start by saying, that despite its challenges, we love being new parents. And even if it never got easier, we wouldn't trade this journey for anything in the world. However, let me also say, we extremely grateful that it will get easier!!

First, we've learned that not all "fussy babies" are created equally. Addy started out content and somewhat happy; but over the last couple of weeks, she's gotten increasingly unhappy. Screaming at every meal time and the following hours, not sleeping well, and never really smiling or being content unless she was sleeping (which didn't happen routinely). A friend of mine suggested she might have acid reflux, so we called the doctor. We didn't get to see our regular pediatrician, but that was ok. The nice new doctor confirmed our suspicions and prescribed an antacid for our poor little baby girl. Enter: next lesson.

We've learned that not all medicines are created equally. Not that the drug we're using is ineffective - on the contrary. The problem is, this nice doctor gave us a drug that is an orally dissolving tablet - for a 4 week old. He told us to dissolve the caplet in a syringe of water, then squirt it in her mouth. Sounds easy enough I thought. Unfortunately, the pill doesn't completely dissolve, and 4 mL of water is way too much for a baby that's only ever swallowed breast milk. It turns out, there are several other drug options that are in the liquid for already... but we'll probably never try those. After a few days of perseverance and advice from lots of friends, Matt has discovered how to get the medicine in our little girl - without her wearing too much of it. Enter: next lesson.

We've learned that when she's not horribly uncomfortable, Addison really is a pretty happy baby! The medicine is starting to work, and we can already see an improvement. She still has times when she wails and is inconsolable, but they're fewer and last a much shorter time. And Matt and I have a little more patience with those episodes now, knowing the cause and not doubting what we're doing anymore.

Addy and I have had a few lunch dates and are getting a little more comfortable with getting out of the house. Once feeding her becomes more routine - which should be as soon as her reflux is under control - we'll be out and about with the rest of the world. I'm looking forward to going to a park for a long walk in this gorgeous fall weather!
Eating (yawning after she's done) and bath time are finally getting easier... and cuter!
Matt is proving Addison will suck on anything to try to find some food... and we finally remember to have a "family picture" taken. We tried to include Darby, but she was not in the mood to sit still without "playing" with Addy.


The Jordon Family said...

Lots of lessons and learning , it never ends, trust me :).. Our oldest baby is turning 16 Monday and I'm still learning stuff..
You all are a beautiful family.. and I love the picture of her yawning, she is such an angel!

Enjoy every second, good and bad (easier said than done) but try because they grow up too fast..

Dee Moss said...

So excited for you guys! It is a journey - which means some days provide a bigger hill to hike, but you already have the right perspective... it is all worth it. Love to catch up with you sometime soon. P.S. No new baby here yet --should be ANY day now!

Unknown said...

Your Addie is so cute!

Would love your email address. I will send you a pix of Kara and Brian's girls.

Hang in there. It will get better.

Love to you
Jan Fletcher

The Black's said...

I'm glad you're blogging! and I'm glad you took a family pic. I am taking a stroll down memory lane tonight looking at pics from when B&B were babies..ahh the time flies!!!...and I'm wishing there were more pics of all of us!