Wednesday, June 17, 2009

One day at a time

I really do feel bad about not updating this in such a long time. I know some of you check it every day... I'm sorry. I've just turned my computer on for the first time in at least 3 weeks... most of the 195 unread messages are just getting deleted.

For those of you who don't know, my negligence here is due to my recent state of shock/panic/acceptance of some surprising news we discovered several weeks ago. Matt and I are expecting a baby in January! Yes, we really are... and yes, it was a surprise. Addy will be about 16 months old then... what fun we will have! We're slowly trying to think through the logistics of another child in our home and keeping a watchful eye out for double strollers and things like that.

All that said, I haven't taken many pictures lately. I have a couple of Addison standing, cruising along our couch. But that's it. I'll take some today. And, I'll add a couple more vacation pictures to appease those of you in withdrawl.
I almost forgot... we had pictures taken about a month ago by a professional (also a good friend). She did a great job on a windy day with a tired baby girl! You can look at all of them on her website:

Thanks for being patient with me. Love you!

1 comment:

Georgia said...

LAURA!!!!! I DID NOT KNOW but CONGRATS!! Oh, girl, I love it. Addison needs a sibling!! We love you guys and so need to see you soon. Addison is be-uu-tiful.